Thursday, December 23, 2010


Finally, I feel like writing again :D
so umm it has been 4 months since i've been here and I keep missing home more and more each day.
Here's the thing, i just realize something lately
gue ngga tau ya ini cuma gue doang apa semua orang juga merasa yang sama, tapi menurut gue pertemanan di Indonesia bisa jauh lebih erat daripada disini. Gimana ya? gue juga bingung buat nge break down nya. tapi gini ya coba misalnya ada temen gue, dia setiap lunch main nya sama group A, sepulang sekolah mainnya dengan group B, terus pas weekend mainnya sama group C. and it got me thinking "terus lo jadi temennya siapa si?", mungkin bagus juga sih in some way jadinya membaur. tapi gimana ya? jadinya itu seakan2 ngga ada temen yang bener2 temen. itu cuma sekedar temen hang-out doang. terus jadinya suatu hari gue pernah came across a conversation (gue hanya sebagai pendengar) dimana tau2 salah satu temen gue bilang "bisa ga kita ga ngomongin ini? gue belum segitunya temenan sama elo buat bisa ngomongin ginian"
terus gue yang kyk "what?!" i mean lo kan temen? tapi kok lo segitu ngebatesinnya sih? maksudnya apaan? masalahnya gue sama temen2 gue di indonesia kalo ngmong yaudah asal bablas aja, ngga ada tuh statement2 yang seperti itu.
terus kalo gue di indonesia, mau lunch pulang sekolah apa weekend main nya sama itu2 aja. well ya ngga itu2 aja sih kesannya gimana tapi ngerti lah ya maksud gue gimana? oh my god i am so bad with story telling hahaha but you know what i mean :) Tapi jadinya bisa lebih deket dan sebagainya.
kasarnya kalo di indonesia gue merasa orang2 itu lebih nge"geng" dan orang sini ga gitu peduli jadinya sama siapa aja ya oke2 aja. but i don't think that it's a bad thing. asal tau batasannya aja.

oh well at least that's what i think. i'm currently in wisconsin right now for christmas. just got back from snow shoeing and i never thought it would be that hard :p
i'll post christmas stuff soon :D

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Finally. after going through 21 hours of flight, got checked out by some indian dude, indian kids screaming and crying on the plane. And indian chick who to claimed my baggage was hers.
I am finally here.
Hello, Baltimore.
it's been awhile since i've tried to come here. And i finally did. It was so overwhelming. I didn't know whether i should be happy or sad cause i have to leave my loved ones for 10 months.
It all happened so fast, I almost couldn't keep up.
I used to be so ready, cause it has been my dream since i was 12 to be able to live here with my aunt. And because of couple of problems, it was almost impossible to do so. But my mom never gave up, she got somekind of stubborn issue actually. She has to get what she wants no matter what. Eventually, goods came out of it.
But when it's really in front of my eyes. When I was finally in the airport. It hit me just like that. All sorts of things came and rushing through my head. like
"what am I doing?"
"I can't believe I'm leaving for 10 months"
"will I be the same person again"
"will my boyfriend be there when I come home?"
that scared the crap out of me.

Along came him. Apparently, it was just in time when i was about to leave in a couple of weeks.
It was sooo hard. Knowing that I have to leave for 10 months. But he said he'll wait. I hope he'll keep his promise.
oh please be nice. You have no idea how glad I am to have you :)

And my friends. I was so flattered when they gave me the farewell gifts.

it's a scrap book about all things me that my friend made. I have no idea that they knew me so well :')

they also baked this favorite cookies of mine. I have no idea what's its name, all I know is that they are so good :9

And my boyf gave me this book, been reading it since i got in the plane.
i'll write the reviews soon! right after i finish it :D

I feel so fortunate that i have super great friends and family. and of course, boyfriend. No doubt about it.
I'll miss you guys, I really will.

See you soon :*

It'll be a new start and experience for me. Hope i could adapt just fine. Fingers crossed ♥

Monday, July 12, 2010

current ambition

Just started my senior year of high school
and here are my current ambition :3
So actually since i was little there were 2 things that i wanted to be when i grow up. The first one was to be a veterinarian. I lovve animals and there were these urge inside of me that wanted to help or even save them. But the thing is, i am terrified of blood. Hence, it is just not possible. So yeah, veterinarian were crossed from the list.
And the second one is to be an architect, i don't know why exactly. But seeing unique buildings or houses just fascinates me. Not only just unique though, especially when history were made inside of it. Either if it's the declaration of independence or simply just the place where he proposed, or where their baby had his/her first step, they are all priceless. And it always made me think that i would build one someday, a place where priceless things happened.
So i decided to be an architect :D
In order to fulfill though, i just signed myself to villa merah. it's like art lessons for those who wanted design or
architecture for their undergraduate program. SO STOKED!
fingers crossed :)

Someday, i would become just like him. Or even better, Tadao Ando.

Friday, April 9, 2010

current obsession

Jón “Jónsi” Þór Birgisson the guitarist and vocalist of the icelandic band Sigur Rós just released a solo album this april. it's called "Go". and just like that i was captivated. There are just no words to describe the tranquility of the album.

Go Do
Animal Arithmetic
Boy Lilikoi
Sinking Friendships
Grow Till Tall
Around Us

You should and MUST check him out. especially Kolnidur and animal arithmatic :D

uh ohh i wish he would come to indonesia somehow someway. with or without Sigur Rós. either way i would be the first one to buy the ticket. just like what i did to copeland hihii :3

and last week i went to west java for study tour. gonna upload some pictures soon ♥

Sunday, March 7, 2010

hello again

haha it's been awhile don't you think? okay so the reason that i haven't been writing is that i had some pretty unlikeable experience that i just want to throw it away to the trash can part in my brain. By writing, somehow i could remember it all exactly with every little detail how it happened. That's why i don't like to recall humiliating and uncomfortable moments. Cause it would just ruin my day.And i don't like that i'm being like that, get it? hahaha But, i'm back on my feet now. And oh,

I like to run from unlikeable facts.
bold and underline it. period.

So, February. Where to start?
it has been a pretty fun, whimsical, and everything in between month. i lovve it. It has soo many birthdays and umm it was just plain fun

and i started to use my lomo fisheye camera again, i forgot how much fun using it. here are some pictures from my friend neisya's and fanissa's birthday

And wish me luck please, i'm having my midterm test tomorrow. it's gonna be physics for the first day, and i am not feeling like studying AT ALL. *sigh*
oh well, bye now

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


The problem is, i live in the past.
cause things seemed better at that time.

i'm tired

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

100 words

well, i just borrowed this book called "100 kata" from my friend. So it is a book that consist of many stories, and each story have approximately 100 words. It is just amazing how such few words could describe so many things.

Some of the stories are bewildered, but that is just the way i like it. made me use my imagination and think out of the box.

So, you should check it out. and umm below is one of my favorite story from the book.

sialan, bintang jatuh lagi
oleh Krisna Adityawan

Sialan, bintang jatuh lagi

Hari-hariku kuhabiskan untuk mencari bintang jatuh,
Berharap hanya ilusi

Sialan, ia teronggok di hadapanku

Terpaksa aku ambil. Atau tidak? Atau kutinggal? Atau kubuang saja? Tahu dari mana ia untukku? Jangan-jangan hanya menggodaku

Sialan, ia bersinar di tanganku
Kubawa saja, siapa tau ia bisa menerangi kamarku
Kalau untuk menerangi hatiku?

Kuletakkan dalam hatiku

Mingguku kuhabiskan merawat bintang
Merasakan ia menghangatkan hatiku
Cahayanya makin memerah. Ia berubah

Sialan, ia membakar hatiku
Panas, sakit, pedih, perih
kucoba menahan

Sialan, ia terbang menjauh
Ku menengadah, menunjuk langit
Berharap menemukan bintang lain

Sialan, bintang jatuh lagi
Apa kali ini ia untukku?